

10/04 – 11/03

■ 展示 コンセプト
10/04 – 11/03 の期間で、千葉泰樹こと Menon Chiba Walker による個展を開催致します。
ココロで唄うシンガソングライター, 奥山"Young"一平( Ippei Okuyama )の音楽をテーマに Menon Chiba Walkerが奥山一平の1曲1曲に絵画による視覚表現 & 短編の話と詩, による文章表現をコンセプトに行います。

二人の表現者のセカイ観のぶつかり合い、混じり合いを是非御楽しみください。オープニング&クロージングパーティーでは奥山一平によるライブを行い、Menon Chiba Walker からの楽曲提供を奥山一平による演奏表現も試みます。

Menon Chiba Walker
Menon "Chiba" Walker

1989年、東京に生まれ。2009年,18歳で単身渡米。アートを勉強する為カリフォルニア州、サンフランシスコの大学でファインアート、及びグラフィックデザインの技術を身につける。2013年にはカリフォルニア州オクーランド所在の音楽レーベル件アートギャラリー, BLACKBALL UNIVERSEでアートディレクターとして働く。同社レーベルのオーナーミュージシャンである、Xavier Dphrepaulezzからアーティストとして生きる姿勢を学ぶ。


Menon 'Chiba' Walker is Taikii Chiba's artist name when he paint, design, write, or make any sorts of creation.
Born in Tokyo Japan, Menon Walker grew up in the society where a pace of life is fast, a trend changes every often, and a new opportunity rises and fails everyday.

Looking for artistic inspiration and experience to be an artist, Menon Walker took a Journey to San Francisco, California, at the age of 18. In the Bay area, he found extremely different creative environment, where people were freely expressing themselves in their very own ways, not to get affected by the pressure and the trend from the society.
After he completed San Francisco Community College in Graphic Design In 2013, he started working at a music label/art gallery called, BLACKBALL UNIVERSE, as art director. There, he had a chance to work with the label's owner musician, Xavier Dphrepaulezz, who Menon Walker learned the life attitude to be an artist.

Having worked with him, the experience made Menon Walker to decide to go back to Japan, where he started, and send his message to the world via his creation.Currently, Menon Walker bases in Tokyo where he not only exhibit his creation, write a story from his art work, design for other clients, but he plan and participate events that he collaborate with other creators.

2008 Group show, "Child Play" in Tokyo, Japan
2009 Group show, "Lovers" @ Meme Machin Gallery in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Group show, "Mission Art Project" @ MAP Gallery in San Francico, California
2013 Group show, As artist & curator , "Urban Outskirts"
@ Blackball Universe in Oakland, California
East Bay Express Review
Exhibition's press
2014 Event, "P.O.P(Play Or Pay)"@LIQUIDROOM, Ebisu, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Group show event, "Cat Pie Chicken Heads, vol.1" @OPEN, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Group show event, "Cat Pie Chicken Heads, vol.2" @ROOTS, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
2014, 10/04 – 11/03 Solo Exhibition, "13日の水曜日 - Wednesday the 13th -"
@SPACE ORBIT, Sangenjaya, Tokyo, Japan

Web Site