2017.03.24 FRI 19:00-23:00

クラレボ Vol.2 : String Quartet!









Welcome to the second volume of Classical Revolution Japan !
This time we’ve chosen to bring to you a glimps of the quartet repertoire of the mighty School of Vienna. Never heard of it ? Sure you have, try to make a list of the most famous composers ever, and at least half of them are from that same period and location. Haydn and Schubert from tonights program, as well as Beethoven and Mozart. What are the odds huh ?

From those four composers Haydn is the daisempai. Born in 1732, he is considered to be the precursor of nothing less than the musical forms of the symphony and the string quartets. Big ass rockstar of his era, he is famous for beeing the ultimate musical prankster, composing works such as his 94th Symphony called the « surprise » for waking up his sleepy audiance with a BANG, or his string quartet Op. 33 « The Joke » in which you think it’s ending.. but it’s not. And, also, dat wig.

Schubert, the only Vienna native of the four, is also the youngest. He was born in 1797 when Haydn’s career was seriously going to take off, Mozart had already died by then after his ground breaking existence and Beethoven was 27 and had just done his first public performance in the city. Schubert never got the explosive careers the three others had, but eventually got famous, after his death at age 32. Never the less he has left behind something like 1500 works, in which almost half of it are lieders (songs) and they still have issues in numbering his symphonies correctly nowadays.

Nuff said, let us all sit together in this amazing space that is Orbit, have beers, enjoy these two pieces we’ve chosen from their repertoire, have more beers, and relax !


クラレボ Vol.2 : String Quartet!


菊池晶子 (2ndヴァイオリン)
野中友多佳 (ヴィオラ)
細井唯 (チェロ)

Haydn “Lark” Op.64-5 / ハイドン「ヒバリ」Op.64-5
Schubert “Rosamunde” Op.13 / シューベルト「ロザムンデ」Op.13